Thursday, July 25, 2013

To Play Or Not To Play.....

It appears the debate on RG3 playing in preseason games has been answered quickly. Coach Shanahan told reporters today the plan is to not play him in any preseason games. Too watch click here.

So good idea or bad. I can see a case for either side, but I think it is more good then bad. A few extra weeks of not getting hit on the knee can't hurt. It may mean a few weeks of regular season games to get in a good sync with the receivers. However, most of them if not all, will be here from last year and already have some sort of chemistry.

Hopefully they will be able to closely duplicate game speed at practice. Not the same, but better than RG3 not being available for week 1

Of course, Coach Shanahan said that is the plan. It certainly would not be the first time he said something and things let's just say ummmm changed somehow. So odds are he doesn't play in the preseason at all, but don't be too shocked if he somehow gets a few series in game three or four of the preseason.


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